February 10, 2010

Waste of knife

I make several sandwiches every morning. This requires spreading of many items (mayo, peanut butter, jelly, hummus). Often times, I will make one peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and subconsciously knowing I'm finished, I will toss the knife in the dishwasher. I then turn to make my next sandwich, perhaps a turkey one needing mayonnaise, and I realize I've tossed my knife away and need a new one. I scold myself for being so wasteful.

This morning I sunk to a new discouraging low. I made my first peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and as usual, I idiotically threw the knife in the dishwasher. I turned to make my next peanut butter and jelly sandwich and realized I was knife-less. Danggit. So I got another knife. I spread on my peanut butter and tossed the knife into the dishwasher. Turned to spread my jelly, and "gosh darnnit again"! Had to go get a THIRD knife just to spread the jelly.


  1. would you really spread your mayo with the same knife as you use to spread your peanut butter and jelly?

  2. yes. there's so little left, you just wipe it off on the next piece of bread.
